Monday, February 24, 2025

Winter Weary

 It's been an interesting winter thus far, on many fronts.

With President Trump taking office in late January, the political climate has been rife with turmoil surrounding punitive tariffs threatening to be imposed on Canada, along with notions of annexing Canada as the 51st State, buying Greenland and taking back the Panama Canal. 

Tension further rose during the recent Four Nations Face Off, with Canada and the USA squaring off directly in the round robin (US won) and again in the finals (Canada won!!!). Anthems were booed. Three fights in the opening nine seconds....of an international hockey game. This was one of the those moments in history when a sporting event was much more than a sporting event.

We journeyed to Barrie and Orillia through a break in the winter weather, to attend a book signing for two great friends, and squeeze in a round of visits with friends and family. While the roads were relatively bare, they definitely had a record amount of snowfall.

Back at home, we had far less snow, but still the most we have had in several years. As always down here, with snow comes drifting and whiteouts....and often freezing either on top or underneath the little snow we do get. We even got a few days of "polar vortex" as the first true test of the heat pump and auxiliary coil - we got down to -30 C, and other than a steep hydro bill, all was good. On the whole, we keep the house noticeably warmer and it's still cheaper overall than oil!

We had a nice night out in Chatham, starting with drinks at the Elephant's Nest followed by dinner at Mamma Maria's. We crossed the street to attend the "Hyprov" show at the Capitol Theatre, with a hypnotist putting people under before Colin Mochrie led them through some hilarious improv. 

After another stop at the same bar, this time with live music added, we took a U-Ride back to our motel before heading onto London the next morning.....bringing Dave back for a five-day visit starting with the Eagles crushing the Chiefs in Superbowl LIX! His home was in lockdown, so he was very glad to get out for a few days to enjoy some company and cats, and eat some different foods.

Jane started "designing her feelings" and promoting her designs on Redbubble and other places, featured on items like t-shirts, mugs and pins. The new side hustle looks promising!

We voted early for the provincial election, and promptly treated ourselves to brisket tacos and poutine at Renny's! We also met friends at the Comber Legion the week before for a nice perch dinner for Valentine's Day.

On the feline front, we made several visits to the Vet with both Momma and Vincent. Momma ended up with several meds and a soft cone, which she embraced as a travel pillow. Vincent had six teeth pulled and was not pleased with his experience. Between them we had five different medications to manage.

Winter appears to be waning, and perhaps that is Spring we can feel in the air?

Winter in Orillia!

Winter in Wheatley

First real winter test of the heat pump

We even have snowbanks!

Night Out in Chatham

Treating ourselves to Renny's after voting!

Another year of trading recycled Valentine's cards

A few of Jane's early designs

Repping Flag Day!

Vincent less than impressed following dental surgery

Momma embraces the soft cone!

Jane cuddling with the big boys!