Thursday, January 15, 2009

It was bound to happen...

Despite having practically no snow just a week ago....we have since been hammered non-stop with the white fluffy stuff. On the weekend, the Windsor area actually got the most snow in the entire country. Of course, we were in Toronto, and returned home to find the other car buried under drifts...

So now we have lots. At least it's light and easily moved. The extreme cold has found us here even in the south, with lows threatening -20 C and wind chills much colder on the open plains of Essex and Kent. Luckily with the work Jeep I can knock down a path through it for our small cars to come and go without having to shovel the entire long driveway.

And's snowing again. Despite the frigid temperatures, somehow it continues to fall....

The Little Dish That Could - making rural high-speed possible

Wendel, the Guardian of the Willow Tree

Well I did shovel SOME....
...but I'm not shovelling all THAT!


Simone Maroney said...

Ouch! That's a crap load of snow.

Then again, I wouldn't be honest if I claimed that I didn't use all my little Voodoo implements to make sure you guys got your fair share of the white stuff. I wouldn't want you to be the only Canadians who still believe in global warming...

Mike and Jane said...

Just be careful with that voodoo stuff...Wendel guards more than just the willow, you know...
