Wednesday, April 14, 2010

April Showers bring...April flowers?

We had a few April showers over late Sunday and Monday, which only served to heighten the glorious daffodil bloom. Today was nice, and tomorrow is supposed to be even better - 27 C and sunny!

Working up the garden to prepare it for planting. Uncovered the strawberries - again - after threat of a light frost the other night. Trees are also exploding with leaves, even the downed Manitoba Maple also known as Living Lawn Art!

Gonna have to actually cut the grass soon. Even got the riding mower all fired up and running for the season. So it begins....

And the daffodils look lovely today....

Till we meet again, garden....

The Willow Weeps....for joy!

Holstein (aka Jebus) speaks his mind


Simone Maroney said...

I love the picture of the cat! Probably thinks it's too hot ;-)

Mike and Jane said...

Yeah, he's very vocal but still lucky to catch him in mid-meow!