Sunday, May 13, 2012

Early Birthday Present

A combination of the subterfuge of Jane and the generosity of others led to a surprise early birthday gift this weekend - a new BBQ. The old one is slowly disintegrating, and the burners are shot to the point where you have two choices of cooking spots - huge gout of flame leading to "Cajun" style everything, or dark spots with no heat whatsoever leading to uncooked meat.

It was decided by this nefarious enclave of shadowy patrons that I would not only benefit from a new BBQ for my birthday, but that obtaining it sooner would allow me to enjoy it ALL summer. Methinks there may be some less-than-altruistic motivations among those more inclined to dine with us on a semi-regular basis, yet one cannot look a gift BBQ in the mouth....or lid....or whatever. The associated cruel irony would be that in order to "enjoy" the birthday gift, the lucky recipient must first assemble said contraption. Armed with the requisite case of OV, I set about the task....even "helped" briefly by the ever-social Pita.

The coolest thing about THIS BBQ is that while the right side has a standard triple-burner propane setup (and side burner)....the left side is set up for charcoal and/or wood fire instead! Both options in ONE BBQ! Once assembled, Jane for once put her Girl Guide repertoire to use for good, and NOT for evil, quickly stoking a cooking fire in the left side...and soon after we enjoyed a delicious feast of wood-fired burgers as our first meal to mark the triumphant completion of assembly.


Simone Maroney said...

That's one heck of a contraption! I was a little worried, looking at the initial set of pictures, that you were perhaps going to find yet another use for that multi-tasking birthday present and have it play the role of indoor heater. Apparently you decided to move it outside after all so my fears of a house fire, marking an untimely end to the celebration, proved unfounded.

K. I'm hungry for BBQ now...

Oh - and happy early birthday, I guess :)

Dolphynsecho said...

I guess we'll just see what happens when winter comes back. Indoor heat AND bbq all in one!