Monday, July 2, 2012

It Ain't Easy Being Green

The new red-brown roof has finally spelled the end for the mint green latex hue that has graced our place for our entire time here - Jane was never a big fan anyway, but at least with green shingles it was acceptable.

Welcome if you please the new hues of parchment and chocolate brown, courtesy of a paint-splattered long weekend of sweat and sore calf muscles. Progress is slow in this heat, but we plug away in the shade as best we can. Mandatory weeding also occupies some time, in order to pain right down to the ground in spots.

Compare to the last post showing new roof but old green paint, or posts as far back as summer 2007 to see full green rendition with shingles.

To borrow an apt phrase from the deserving Gord Downie - I do the rolling, she does the detail. Inspecting the reddish roof and yellowish walls, even the notion "Ruby, honey are you mad at your man?" works.

1 comment:

Simone Maroney said...

What? You took the time to post when you could have been painting?
It's looking good - and everybody will be able to find you in a flash with that red roof. It's a good thing, really.