Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Rawk the Coop V

The August long weekend saw Rawk the Coop come and go for another year, with great company and mostly great weather. Thanks to everyone who made the trek, from distances both short and long.

There are tons of great action shots, but I don't want to get anyone fired or post anyone's children on the internet. If you were here, ask me about the pictures! If not, you'll have to see the pics below and use your imagination to fill in the people and pets. Go ahead, make a game of it.

Also makes for a memorable birthday, surrounded by good friends and the starry Wheatley night sky.

Backup facilities to spare the septic tank

Tent City

Those pools were full of  kids AND adults later....

Fish Fry!

Mmmmmm.....fresh Lake Erie yellow perch!

Bonfire of the Insanities

Is it me, or is that a flaming figure walking in the fire pit???

Marshmellows away and out come the guitars!


Anonymous said...

the "is it me..." photo looks like a fire elemental. just sayin'

Simone Maroney said...

I'm with Keith. Clearly a Fire Master was present at the ceremony.

Mike and Jane said...

Just making sure I wasn't imagining things. :)