Friday, May 22, 2015

Cruisin' the Danube

We cruised on with a relaxing day on the river, to rest aching muscles from the previous day's climb. Did I mention that the average age on the ship was around 65? We had already affectionately become known as "The Kids" to many of our new friends. The perfect weather persisted, as did the fabulous food and drink.

We got a good spot on deck to watch the approach to the Iron Gates dam, a tiered lock system spanning the Danube betwixt Romania to the north (starboard) and Serbia to the south (port). The landscape had also grown considerably more rugged, as the Carpathian Mountains reached down from Romania to meet the northernmost spurs of the Balkan Mountains rising from the former Yugoslavia.

Following the locks, the river offered up her scenic best, often narrowing considerably as the winds gained strength. Boat traffic picked up a little as we continued west, though still quite sparse. Caught up on writing some postcards. What more can I say, but to let the pictures tell the tale.....

Wining and dining - Val Duna Romanian Merlot

Approaching the Iron Gates Dam

Into the locks....

...and now we wait.....

Up, up and away

Bring on the scenery! (and wind)

Romanian road and rail

Passing ships

Sailing the Kazan Gorge

In case anyone needs to offer a prayer for safe passage

Who golfs amid such grandeur? Gives a whole new meaning to putts....

Decebalus, King of the Dacians

Golubac Fortress, Serbia

A watery tree grave

1 comment:

Mike said...

Interesting as it wouldn't be obvious to consider wind coming up on those river cruises, Mike. I would be more than happy to be a "kid" on a cruise. The wild days are over...bring on quiet (for travel) :)