Sunday, October 20, 2019


Prior to her knee replacement being scheduled, Jane booked us a weekend getaway at an airbnb treehouse in Florence, Ontario. Nestled over the Sydenham River, the tiny treehouse (6' x 9') was situated at the back of a farm, nearly a one kilometer walk in through wooded trails. Needless to say, we took our time.

We brought a camping chair, so Jane could take breaks along the way in. Unfortunately, with the field recently planted with winter wheat, we were forced to walk the margins and take the long way around.

Once we got to the treehouse, she carefully climbed the stairs, with me behind her in case her knee gave out or she lost her balance.  Then she purposefully avoided drinking much, to avoid having to get back down any more than necessary!

With no power or distractions, we read books....then when it got dark, we listened to an audiobook on Jane's phone. When it got chilly, we put on a small fire in the treehouse woodstove. It was too windy to risk an outdoor fire, so rather than cook we had sandwiches.....and some candy and red wine.

What a great and relaxing getaway, and not too far from home. We will definitely go back again, though maybe next time Jane will be fully mobile! We could have gone up to the farmhouse for breakfast or showers, but preferred to maximize our time in the treehouse and enjoy the solitude.

We headed home on Sunday morning to get the cats sorted and have a day at home to get some fall maintenance done....before heading back out Monday morning for Cox-Giving festivities in the London area.

Jane takes a break...while Mike drops the backpacks at the treehouse!

Cool wooded trails lead into the treehouse

"Mongolian" outhouse

Crossing the Bridge

54 Square Feet of Relaxation!

What a great spot!

Briar patch!

Economical choice of beverage for he weekend

Crutchy relaxes at the picnic table

Pressed coffee for breakfast

Park beside the Metal Man!

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