Monday, July 29, 2024

R.I.P. Pita

We lost Pita last week, rather suddenly and without much closure - dear sweet Pita. She was the gentlest soul, and was always there to comfort the other cats in their time of need. 

She was born on our property in May 2011, one of three Nugs that have known no other place but this. She used to sleep in a pile with her two brothers, a trait they kept up into adulthood, especially in the colder weather.

She may have had a bit of a daddy complex, owing to her absentee father - she always seemed to gravitate towards elder male figures - first Poots, then Jebus, and finally Pennywise. She was extremely sensitive and caring to Pennywise in particular in his final days.

She alone has accomplished what few cats can - keeping their actual name. While most other cats end up being called something completely different, she was Pita to the end - a Pain In The A$$ that earned her name each and every day, but in a very sweet way.

She was likely our hardest cat to photograph, so we don't have a ton of great shots - but at least we have a few. She also seemed to carry about 90% of her weight in her hind end, which made it challenging to pick her up.....and also made for some dramatic "jumps" from time to time!

She also liked to wake us up by dragging her considerable paunch across our faces.

She was very social, and liked to stand on people's feet - usually me, while I was trying to hang laundry or work in the garden - but she also did the same thing to total strangers who would come to do work on the property or customers to the studio. She actually drooled all over the insulation guy's boots!

We got home from a weekend away, and she seemed to be having a little trouble breathing - not really obvious, especially in the warm weather, but her sides were heaving a bit abnormally when she breathed. We dropped her off at the vet, and they thought at first she had a respiratory infection but wanted to do some more tests.....then we got a call telling us we should get there as fast as possible. Unfortunately, we didn't get there fast enough. 

Apparently she had fluid (blood, as it turned out) on her lungs, from an unknown bleeding mass. She crashed so fast. We never got to say a proper goodbye, and we were devastated that we weren't there to comfort her in her final moments.

As the first of the Nug Family to pass, even before her mom, we laid her to rest on the west lawn under some beautiful trees. Mama and the brothers attended and said their goodbyes as well. 

Farewell sweet Pita - aka Pete, Petey, Pit, Pita-Pit, Pitomsky, Petema, Pit-Pass, Pit-Chunk, Footstander, Chunkers and Chunky Butt. 

Baby Pita in 2011

Pita chillin' with her two brothers

Sweet girl

The Nugs want in!

Torty Goodness

The Nug Piles continued into adulthood

Comforting Pennywise

If I fits, I sits!

Cuddling with her Bros

Sassy Pita

I guess we know whose chair it is....

The entire Nug Family came out for the funeral

Farewell sweet girl

Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Bathroom Reno, Part 2

After another week, the bathroom reno was essentially done....for now. There are things we are putting off until later, but at least for now we are seriously upgraded and more importantly, functional!

Our reno guy finished off the shower, put down new flooring in the bathroom, laundry room and closet, and hooked up the new vanity in a new location. We actually have a fan in the washroom now, and some more lighting. A mirror/medicine cabinet and lighting sconces will follow shortly. Unfortunately, he had some trouble reinstalling our troublesome toilet, which kept him here late on Friday night.

While we had plumbers and electricians here, we remedied a few other issues we have been living with for 17 years. The kitchen sink now drains properly, the dishwasher has new hose and it's own circuit, and the washing machine plumbing is also new and now recessed into the wall. The air supply is now properly vented and the updated vent pipe is more durable and won't allow birds to nest in it!

Since these pictures, we have re-painted the affected areas, including a grey feature wall behind the new vanity. Now to move everything in the dining room back to where it belongs....

Eventually we may do glass doors to the shower, but for now we're loving the sudden back-lighting on our old shower curtain.

And we added a cat door to the litter closet!

Tiling the new shower

New engineered flooring

Washing machine plumbing is now recessed into the wall

New and relocated vanity - mirror and sconces coming soon!

New cats door to closet and litter area - complete with cat door and large and willing tester!

The closet also got new flooring

The completed shower!

Where the soaker tub and custom cabinetry will eventually go....

The back-lighting is awesome!

Friday, July 5, 2024

Bathroom Reno, Part I

The first major renovation project began this week, right on the heels of the long weekend. The plan is to replace the old tub with a nice walk-in rain shower, and eventually add a nice soaker tub in the current laundry room. We're adding some sorely needed ventilation and a pot light in the shower.

We are also replacing the vanity with a nicer and more suitable one, and moving it across the room to a better spot. The washer/dryer stays, but get some new (and recessed!) plumbing and a tabletop, and eventually some cabinetry around it. Some of the outlets are getting an upgrade as well.

The bathroom, laundry room and closet are all getting new flooring.

Thankfully, several days in we have yet to have any real big surprises - always a big plus in a 120-year old house! Week one is in the books, albeit a short week. 

Mike from Redmond's Renovations is doing all the work, with an assist from some plumbers and an electrician....and a few helpful felines. Pinhead even took the opportunity to explore the newly-sealed crawlspace!

Updates forthcoming as the project continues!

Tearing out the old tub and tub surround....

...and vanity

Demo Day!

Tearing the shower down to the block wall

A work in progress!

Building up the new shower and sealing the walls

New shower plumbing!

The plumbing for the new vanity....from inside the closet

New setup for the washer/dryer

The closet is also getting new flooring

New bathroom fan and overhead pot lighting

All we need now is grout!