Monday, October 31, 2022

Fall Fell

We've been enjoying some glorious autumn weather, our favourite time of year. Between some yardwork and fall maintenance around the property, plus lots of walks down at the suddenly even more beautiful provincial park, we've been making the most of the season.

Serendipity saw us stop at the Leamington marina on a rather windy day - mainly killing time until one of our cats was ready for pickup at the vet - and were rewarded with some artistically angry water.

We had some visitors to the yard, including a family of deer, likely drawn to our small apple trees and the corn field across the road. We also had quite a few monarch butterflies stop by, though we definitely saw a lot more of them on our walks down at the park.

We even managed to pull off a late Thanksgiving dinner with Dave, when he came to stay with us for a few days. It was delayed a few times by COVID lockdowns at his retirement home, but in the end we had a great visit and Jane topped it off with a delicious meal.

Civil Cervids

Erie's Fury

Wind-Whipped Wrath

Autumnal Walks at the Provincial Park

Beautiful fall foliage

Monarch Mania!

A Royal Air Force

Belated Thanksgiving with Dave

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