Saturday, September 23, 2017

Canada 150 Road Trip - Day 1


A beautiful sunrise ushered us into the Canada 150 Epic Road Trip, as we set off bound for the West and the North. Eschewing the chaotic roads of Detroit, we opted for the more leisurely Bluewater Bridge border crossing at Sarnia-Port Huron, armed with a second Tim Horton's dark roast and a full tank of gas.

After an unplanned detour back towards Detroit, we hooked up with I-75 and sped northward amidst steady Labour/Labor Day traffic. The trip began in earnest when we crossed the eight-kilometer long Mackinac Bridge and passed into Michigan's Upper Peninsula, enjoying Lake Huron to the right and Lake Michigan to the left.

We turned due west off the bridge and followed the shoreline, before cutting a diagonal across the peninsula to the scenic Lake Superior shore on the far side near Munising, glimpsing our fourth Great Lake of the day. The Labor Day crowds meant that all of the campgrounds were full, so we decided to make up some ground and carry on into the early evening.....with perhaps a little too much zeal.

After a brief stop to talk to a very friendly Michigan State Trooper, we carried on with pockets none the lighter. Thankfully we had a great story - twelve hours into Day 1 of an Epic Road Trip - and she cheerfully insisted that we wait until at least Day Five before we get a speeding ticket.

A little further down the road, we found a reasonable motel in Ironwood, located in one of Michigan's four western counties that reside on Central Time. Gaining an hour made the long day feel just a wee bit shorter, and happily put our feet up for the night.

Sunrise departure

Bluewater Bridge into Michigan

Mackinac Bridge into the Upper Peninsula

Time for a short break!

A Superior vantage point

Indianhead Motel - Ironwood, MI

1 comment:

Kevin Mitchell said...

Well written and great pictures.