Thursday, September 28, 2017

Canada 150 Road Trip - Day 15


Armed with a steaming dark roast, we departed Whitehorse early amidst chilly (-1 C) temperatures. Heading east through the Yukon in the morning fog, we were greeted by caribou and moose along the road, but otherwise made good time. Once again, Ibuprofen was my friend.

We got gas in Teslin but the restaurant was too busy, so we carried on a few hours to Watson Lake, where we again topped up the tank but also stopped for lunch at the local TAGS. I sat carefully and moved as little as possible while eating, with each shift causing spasms and pain.

My back was worse again, so over lunch we made the decision to cut the trip short and head for home. This would mean skipping the Northwest Territories, saving two or three whole extra days of driving for Jane. Trips to the restroom were the most difficult, as it can be challenging to (slowly) get in and out of truck stops with being bumped or jostled at some point! A careful balance of caffeination and (de)hydration was a critical travel strategy to minimize stops.

Turning south, we crossed into British Columbia and re-traced the particularly scenic stretch through the Muncho Lake area, complete with the herd of wood bison still languishing by the roadside. We opted to stay again at Toad River Lodge, given that Fort Nelson seemed too far to push for late in the day with so much wildlife about.

Rather than a tent site, this time we grabbed a rustic cabin.....and much to our delight the cabins were nicer than most of our motel rooms! It had its own washroom, fridge, TV, coffee maker, a nice deck for watching swans on the lake, and two beds - ideal when one is put in extreme discomfort by the slightest movement of others. We both loaded up on meds - me for my back and Jane for her allergies - and enjoyed an evening of relaxation and a good night's slumber.....though sadly bereft of a good night's lumbar.

Animals ahead!

 Bison patrolling the Muncho Lake area

 Muncho Lake, Northern BC

 Southbound on the Alaska Highway

 The view from our cabin porch at Toad River Lodge

Cabin #18 - nicer than most of our motel rooms! 

What are YOU lookin' at????

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