Monday, July 25, 2011

Midsummer Miscellany

A few pics to pass the days. It's too frickin' hot and humid to do much else.

Miss thinks she's a dish

Those lazy days of summer

Just don't call them "dog" days

Chess by candlelight - nerd romance courtesy of a thunderstorm

Our sad little yard sale - at least we melted a few more candles

Saturday, July 9, 2011

More Cats...and Garden!

For lack of anything else to post, unless you wanted shots of us mowing down at Chatham are more cat pics, plus a shot of the garden.

Beans and tomatoes

Got my Bick in a Box

Poots riding the Pine

Also got my Miss in a Box

Who says a dead ash is only good for firewood???

Pistol and Perca


Pooka and her brood

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

All the Small Things

Some pics of small things that bring us pleasure:

Wheelbarrow full o' kittens

Eight weeks and growing fast

Wild raspberries at the barn

Baby Swallows call for Momma....

....and Momma Swallow answers their call!