Wednesday, July 4, 2007

Canada Day!!!

So how does a group of friends celebrate two birthdays in one weekend? How do we mark Grayson's 6th anniversary...and the nation's 140th, all at the same time?

Well let's about cake (obvious) and soccer (not so obvious).....intermingled with alcohol, euchre, music and fireworks?!?!

Highlights include the food, the Saturday Brick Beer tour (where for the first time ever, the entire group completed the "tour"), an all-Canadian playlist featuring over 120 songs, hot euchre/scrabble action, tenting, grass hockey, and Keith's finely engineered fireworks display. Grayson may cite the gifts as the overall highlight, but in my opinion it was the quality time spent with friends!

Happy Birthday (not so little) G, and Happy Birthday Canada! Thanks to all for the memories - Tanya, Keith, Grayson, Sarah, Jessie, Joel, Amy, Kyla, Jade, Aiden, Eric, Michelle, Little Lars (?), Tom, Donna, Kevin and (of course) Jane!

The Rowdy Soccer Hooligans

Spidey Cake

Y'arrrr...these be friends!

Fireworks....that really work!

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