Tuesday, August 28, 2007

The Grass is Greener...until you have to cut it...

So we got a lot of rain last week...then a lot of sun this week....I am on my fourth night of mowing the lawn, and I still have not finished. Granted, the lawnmower has been acting up a little, which has been slowing progress. However, I cannot help but notice that the first patches I cut already need to be cut again...and I haven't even finished the rest of the lawn yet....

But we're not complaining. The tranquility, country breezes, open skies, sunrises and sunsets have made rural living well worth the mowing. We have been enjoying a non-stop barrage of fresh fruits, vegetables and fish from local venues. The kitchen vineyard and dining room brewery are about to pay dividends....this weekend I bottle my first batch of home-made beer...and the home-made wine will be ready next week.

Will post a few pics, sacrificing a portion of my life to dial up speed, for the enjoyment of others.....that is, as soon as we manage to find the camera in the all those unpacked boxes that still litter the house....

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