Saturday, September 8, 2012

Chop Wood, Carry Water

Nice summer/fall weekend to get some yardwork done, including cleaning up the much-needed trimming a local contractor gave Old Man Willow the other day. Jane astutely summarized it best, in that he gave the tree a mullet - all business in the front (i.e. where it was previously tangling into the hydro lines), and all party in the back where it still weeps to the very ground.

Amusement aside, it left quite a mess of branches to be hacked up and carried off. With Jane away in Toronto, luckily I had "help" in the form of a sweet black kitty. OK, so she wasn't much help, but she was good company. Also nice that the threat of thunderstorms seemed to abate and afford me with ample weather to get the entire lawn cut, laundry hung and dried, and a significant portion of the willow removed.

Hopefully get to the rest tomorrow.....though Week One of football season may cut into my productivity!

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