Sunday, November 4, 2012

November Brain

Here we are in November....a.k.a. Round 4 of dandelions. I suspect frost is not far off though, and we officially turned the furnace on today for the first time, to take the chill off. It wasn't my choice. We'll just leave it at that.

Otherwise a nice sunny autumn weekend for yardwork, including cleaning up the downed willow branches from Hurricane Sandy, and later a bonfire under starry skies on the marge of a depleted cornfield. And one inquisitive cardinal who was less than impressed that I picked his football team to lose. Call it an omen, but they lost spite of the implied avian stink-eye.

1 comment:

Simone Maroney said...

Geez it's COLD! Wassamatter with you? THAT's what the cardinal was trying to tell you!