Saturday, December 14, 2013

Winter Comes to Wheatley

Got home yesterday from Guelph, where I had spent several days in the grip of Winter. Luckily the drive home was merciful, and arrived to relatively spring-like conditions of no snow and temperatures just below zero. Today however, winter arrived here in earnest, as it did in most of Ontario.

Not a ton of accumulation, but certainly lots of drifting given the usual Winds of Wheatley. Had to shovel out Pennywise in his outdoor cage, and actually heaped the snow around him to insulate and also to cut the wind and drifting....a little trick I learned in my many years Up North. Also hooked him up with a new heated water bowl (thanks Cindy!), which will hopefully keep his water in liquid form throughout the winter.

Also parked the Juke out at the road so that we can leave tomorrow without shovelling out a LONG driveway.

Heaping snow for insulation

Mmmmmm, heated water bowl!

Pennywise the Content

One happy boy


denials said...

Wait... Years up north? Are you calling Barrie "up north"?!?

Mike and Jane said...

Relative to Wheatley, 99.6% of Ontario is "Up North". More importantly, it meets the other criteria, that being..."North of 7".