Sunday, September 6, 2015

Hey, Labour Day!

It's been a relatively quiet summer, fun-wise, largely due to a busy summer, work-wise.

So we make our own fun locally, when we can. A few scenic drives along Lake Erie for fresh produce, free outdoor concerts at Two Creeks, fun darts at The Legion in Wheatley, and some camping action in our own backyard - and suddenly it's Labour Day Weekend already!

Fantasy football drafts and tomato wagons rolling down the highway should have been a dead giveaway, but summer draws to a close. This is often the time of year we pack up and head out for some camping on the east coast, or northern Ontario. Unfortunately this year colliding court dates will keep me close to home for the foreseeable future.

Good thing we love autumn....our favourite season!

Free Sunday concerts at Two Creeks 

 British Beat 66 bringin' the memories

 Dinner - courtesy of the local Boy Scout troop!

 New tent for summer camping

 Free campsite - aka our own back yard!

 Finding some R&R when you can't get away....

 Delicious sunset over the "campground"

 Try to set the night on, FIRE....

BBQ smorgasbord - chicken, pork and cedar-planked cod!

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