Sunday, July 10, 2016

Warm Weekend

Busy weekend at home, with lots to catch up on after a few weekends of travel recently.

Lovely weather, though a tad on the warm side for us fair folk.....meaning that we had to pace ourselves in the sun! Still, we managed to get lots accomplished, and still find time for some fun.

Much of the weekend was spent on prep work getting Jane ready for upcoming art shows - cutting wood, building canvasses, and staining them so that they are ready to receive whatever art she graces them with.

I also managed to get most of the lawn (i.e. green weeds and golden dead grass) cut, much of the garden weeded, and several other maintenance jobs accomplished around the yard.....while Jane focused on filling her new canvasses with art!

We rounded out Sunday grilling steak along with corn on the cob and the first green beans from the garden, along with a few episodes of Mrs. Brown's Boys.

Great Lakes Art

A round of stained canvasses on our high-tech drying racks

We Art The World

Constructing wooden canvasses in the shade of the Man-Garage

Ready for stain!


The Boonies Drive-In


Beans and Tomatoes

1 comment:

Mike said...

Very nice art work and my kind of drive in! :)