Saturday, November 18, 2017

Splitting Headache

I headed down to The Farm to help my uncle stock some wood for the winter......nice drive after some initial whiteouts between Chatham and London, as winter fired its first snowy salvo - a flurry of blows (or blowing flurries) if you will!

Thankfully windy and bitter turned to sunny and cool, just nice for working outside around a woodpile. The temperamental log splitter threw a wrench into things - and a few screwdrivers and some ether - but eventually we got some wood split, including some the old-fashioned way. I'm not averse to the maul, but gnarled and heavily-limbed stumps are not much fun to split.

In the end, we got some wood up to the house and into the basement, and sampled a few brews and some fine pork recently procured from a neighbour.....half (a pig) of which made its way back home to the new freezer.

The drive back was much more enjoyable, as winter retreated to its frozen lair to warily glare with icy stare. Oh, and on a Sunday morning, coming down through Toronto was equally merciful.

1930 Ford Model A....just storing it for a friend!

Made in Michigan!

Time to split!

A load ready for the basement

Beauty day in The County!

Logging some time on the splitter

Rustic rust

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