Sunday, June 16, 2019

Bin There, Done That

After several years of "thinking about it", we finally went ahead and rented a bin to purge a bunch of the junk from the house, garage, shed and barn. In fairness, we inherited a lot of this stuff when we moved here....but we've certainly collected our own fair share in the meantime!

We donated what we could to the local Friendship Centre for their yard sale, gave away some other stuff, and burned what we could in the burn barrel. Anything that didn't fit into one of those categories went into the bin!

We spent a very long Saturday filling the bin - I say "we" because one of us is about to have knee replacement surgery and was of limited assistance.....though she maintains a mean burn barrel if kept fed with paper, cardboard and wood!

Luckily the weather was perfect - overcast, not too hot, and even light mist from time to time.

A raccoon with distemper on the property meant we kept the cats locked in the house....which thankfully also meant they weren't underfoot or carried away in the bin!

It's "bin" far too long!

A long day begins....

Nearing the end

Burning old cardboard and paperwork

Even typos must go!

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