Sunday, November 3, 2019

Fall Farrago

It's been a fun few weekends of autumn glory, with lots of winterizing to be done around the property but also some time for other pursuits.

We visited the national park for an art show amongst the oTENTiks, both to check out the art but also to scout the event as a possibility for next year. This year's iteration came too soon after Jane's knee surgery to consider as vendors, but it seemed like a cool idea all the same......and apparently you can also rent your oTENTik for the weekend and stay right there.

We spent a weekend in Grand Bend, playing boardgames and exploring some local food and drink options, including a visit to River Road Brewing - a great farm-based brewery in the Bayfield area that grows their own hops right on site.....the One Lonely Scotch Night ale was particularly good! Fueled by such libations, we saved the world from certain doom Mansions of Madness, and solved a murder in Awkward Guests....before retiring for the evening to watch Seven.

Behind us, the windmill and substation are being assembled in our neighbour's field, as part of a cadre of windmills being erected in our general area.

Art at the oTENTiks

Pleasant drive through Point Pelee National Park

Beautiful day for the Boardwalk!


Point Pelee

Our maple ablaze with fall splendour

Cleaning up the remnants of a misplaced Mulberry

Our windmill begins to take shape

Fun weekend in Grand Bend with local beer and sausages

Van full of brush headed to the county yard

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