Saturday, February 15, 2020

A Tale of Two Februaryae

February came and a few groundhogs made some contradictory predictions....some of them are bound to be right! We were still green, though a week later the white stuff found us, possibly for good this time.

The Kansas City Chiefs beat the San Francisco 49'ers in an entertaining Superbowl 54.

Cooped up cats continued to entertain us....and swarming me for body heat every time I made the mistake of sitting down for a minute.

Jane continued her long road back from her second knee replacement. Winter weather has meant a little more attention must be paid to traction and salting the deck on the few occasions she does go out, which we never usually bother with.

Her first official outing not involving hospitals or physio was for breakfast at Renny's, followed by a nice drive around Lake Erie on a sunny Sunday.

Evening glow

Early February

Momma about to lay the smack down on her firstborn

One week later!

Sunday dinner for the convalescent

The Lake has remained open all winter

Nature's art along the Lake Erie shore

What can top Mike topped with FIVE cats.....?

Possibly Mike with SIX cats???

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