Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Backroad Bounty

So we're watching TV during COVID lockdown on some random channel with some Saturday afternoon shows about antiques and home renovation and the like....and suddenly my mother is on the television!

We knew she had been on a show called Backroad Bounty, where two guys come to your house in a van and try to haggle with you for things. The show is from a few years back, before my mother moved, and she had a fair collection of antiques and nostalgia for them to paw through in the house and around the yard.

Of course, they generally don't want to pay the full value of things, since they still have to make a profit too, selling it later at their store. Often time they rely on people not knowing the value of what they have, or people that are just tired or desperate (moving, etc.) and just want it gone.

Well that is not my mother. It was entertaining to watch all the same, especially out of the blue. The boys were unable to pry anything away from her, at least not for the prices they were offering.

The last line of the episode as they drive away in their empty van...."Well, she was a good talker, that's for sure!"

Bam Bam and Marty arrive to have a look around

Checking out the basement....

....and the back yard

"She was a good talker, that's for sure"

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