Friday, December 25, 2020

Wheatley Provincial Park


After thirteen years in the area, we finally took some good advice from friends with dogs, and went to check out the nearby provincial park, for a nice place to go for a walk in mid-December. Sure, we have spent time at Pelee National Park over the years, where we often get a season's pass, but we had long neglected this local gem.

We were not disappointed....except in ourselves, for waiting so long to explore this lovely park mere minutes from home. Sure, you may not want to be there in the summer when it is full of campers....but in the off-season it is both peaceful and free to enter.

A main road leads down along Lake Erie, where some of it has actually eroded into the lake these past few years. Apparently a considerable amount of beachfront and parkland has also been lost to wind and wave. Other roads and trails lead off to various pods filled with campsites, all surrounded by a beautiful stand of trees.....a rare occurrence in these generally flat and open plains.

We even found a functioning phone booth, complete with loonie slot, credit card swiper, and most importantly, dial tone....who knew they still existed?

A nice walk in the woods....

Some choice campsites where Two Creeks empties into Lake Erie


The End of the Road

It's not your as-phalt....blame it on the rain!

The sign says it all!

Lake Erie shoreline

Barking up the wrong tree, you see

Here's my VISA, call someone who cares....

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