Sunday, March 28, 2021

Spring Cleaning

So we definitely had just one month of winter this year - it arrived on January 31st, and was gone by February 27th, barring some random April return. We've been tackling some spring yardwork far ahead of schedule, not just because of warm termperatures but it has also been drier than a typical spring.

We attended to some long-overdue tree trimming, loading it straight into the van for disposal at the nearby county yard waste depot....which unfortunately is only open every OTHER weekend at this point.....but better to have a van full of dry brush then piles of wet brush on the ground!

Jane is also far more able to help with the yardwork than the past few years, and seems to take particular delight in attacking trees and hedges with the clippers!

We also finally got rid of Pennywise's old outdoor cage - some folks came and took it away (after much labour), though Jane had already done a fair bit of work before they arrived. As I left for the office, I handed her a large iron pry bar and a shovel, with these specific instructions - "Just be careful not the break the shovel using it as a pry bar" - see predictable results below.

A blanket of Crocus!

A nice walk down the Bowman Trail

Jane made homemade bagels!

Off to the yard waste depot

Stuffed to the rafter!

Tackling some cedar hedges

Time for another puzzle

Dismantling The Cage

Why use a pry bar when you have a shovel???

The Cage is gone!

See a next year, Dryer!

More of Jane's handiwork....for Mike to clean up!

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