Tuesday, March 29, 2022

Winter Walks

With winter waning and temperatures tipping into positive territory, we started walking again in earnest at a few local nature spots. We returned to the Provincial Park several times, with the flexibility to pick our battles.

On the nicer days, we can wander down along the shoreline and enjoy the Lake. On the cooler days when a biting wind whips off the water, we instead head inland. On the wetter days, there are paved roads rather than muddy trails. We also found a very nice wooded trail from the Park through to the next road over and an old cemetery - elevated, dry, and actually preferable to the paved roads in the park....not to mention far less trafficked.

We did make a visit to Two Creeks Conservation Area as well, knowing it might be a bit soon in the season. With no pavement and only narrow trails, it was still pretty wet and muddy. Still, the added challenge of elevation and more rugged paths gave Jane's bionic knees a better workout.

Bring on the Spring!

Nice wooded trail at the Provincial Park

Sunshine at the Shoreline

A muddy meander through Two Creeks

The old rail bridge at Two Creeks

Cheery Lake Erie

Leery Lake Erie

Ero(ad)sion continues....

Take heed!

Bridge across the Pond

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