Thursday, June 30, 2022

A Quiet June

We had a pretty quiet June, starting off with Art in the Park, and ending with preparation for Art at the Marina. In between was lots of art prep, lots of hot and dry weather, and lots (and lots) of watering. The poor vegetables, herbs and deck plants needed daily attention.

On the plus side, all that sun and heat meant some good days for cooking with the sun oven - not only did Jane make bread a few times, but also some good dinners and even including a whole chicken....all without heating up the house any more than it already was!

Art in the Park was a bit surreal, being surrounded by a sea of people after two years of isolation. Luckily, we were able to set the booth up to maintain a little "bubble" for ourselves to minimize contact.

I made a few runs to the yard waste depot, mainly to get rid of May's heavy grass clippings!

We also went for a number of walks in the nearby provincial park, now much greener and a little busier, and we even threw the bikes in the van and went down for a nice ride too! On the cooler evenings, we squeezed in a few outdoor movie or TV nights.

We made it to the London area for a nice relaxing Father's Day with the Cox Clan, including holding the inaugural family Salt and Vinegar Chip Tasting to see who bought the best bag - Julie took the title home, though in fairness....she was already home!

Oh and we started seeing deer - constantly - after 15 years of seeing them only a handful of times. 

Another load of grass

Booth setup at Art in the Park

A Walk in the Park!

A casual observer

The Lifeguard on the big screen

Taking time to smell the roses!

Sitting down for standup on the back deck

Baby bandits clambering!

Some of the deck herbs we use for cooking

The Willow in all its evening glory

Doe and Fawn on our Lawn

The Nug Family - Momma and her 10-year old "babies"

Baby swallows nesting on the front porch

Baking bread in the sun!

The 1st Annual Chip-Off!

Dave and Harley on Father's Day

The Devil's Advocate on the back deck

Three Little Devils in the Man-Garage

Sweet potato and chickpea tikka masala in the sun oven.....

....and then a whole chicken! It was delicious!

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