Saturday, March 18, 2023

March-ing towards Spring

March began to get mild, as it often does down in these parts....but then again, we never really did get the usual February "winter". We took advantage by walking at the provincial park more often than we might normally in early March.

We used the electric fireplace a little more, trying to avoid having to put more oil in the tank before winter's end. A local handyman started work on an extra support beam in our crawlspace. I fired up the burn barrel to get rid of some old papers, both ours and others'.

We also made a trip to London area for a late celebration of Jane's 50th - while we quietly celebrated at home on The Day itself, a few weeks later we undertook more expansive festivities with the Coxeses and extended family.....involving board games, BBQ, much music and much laughter!

Eagles soar over the Provincial Park

Tree damage at the Provincial Park from the recent ice storm 

How apropos!

Flowers in the yard in early March

Still a bit cool but no snow helps!

Many balloons matching many years

Luckily it was a short drive!

A rousing round of Viticulture

Taverns of Tiefenthal!

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