Saturday, November 25, 2023

Misspent Youth

Took the opportunity to pull down a classic machine from storage, just to have a look - haven't fired it up in over a decade (maybe closer to 15 years?) but spent a significant portion of my time on this baby in my late teens and early twenties.....after "upgrading" from its predecessor, the VIC-20!

I even still have my stash of old games on 5.25 inch floppy disks with well-worn labels - including some of the larger and more memory-intensive games (for the time) which took an entire series of 1.2 MB disks to hold the entire game, requiring disk swaps when you moved to a new area or to save your game. I even recalled the old "trick" of notching the side of the disk so you couldn't accidentally over-write or erase your games.

I also went through my substantial collection of old roleplaying books, and donated three boxes of them to a good cause - we have a friend that runs a local gaming store, and he promised to find a good home for everything as part of an in-store library of source books or among his regular clientele.

We also came across various old character sheets for several different games that I/we used to play, and enjoyed a nice little stroll down memory lane in the process.

For the record, I'm keeping all my dice - for now.

Still have the box!

A whole 64 KB of computing power!

This was ONE game - the struggle was real!

Bard's Tale 3 - still one of the all-time greats!

Rolemaster and MERP

One of the greatest games ever - too bad I didn't keep my original version


Vampire - one of several White Wolf games involving the supernatural

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