Monday, May 24, 2010

RAWK the COOP 3!!!

As is the custom, Rawk the Coop III officially got underway with the delivery of the porta-pottie. Light showers kept the first evening damp, but from there on out we were graced with glorious May weather - sunny and warm, with a light breeze to keep things pleasant.

A weekend of food and fun unfolded, with a BBQ feast one night and a fish and chip fry the next. In between, heated games of cards, Risk and ultimate frisbee kept us entertained before evening bonfires and relaxation.

No injuries (long term liver and kidney damage notwithstanding), nothing broken, and nobody cried. People even slept in tents.

Thanks to all who came out for yet another successful RTC!

So it begins...

Sign of the times

Jane scores a goal!

Point Taunya....unless they can catch that cup!


The Gang around the campfire

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