Sunday, January 20, 2013

Legends of the Fall

Jane came out to check out the outcome of the feeling of Ash Tree #1, and as usual, somehow managed to trip and fall. Poor Brad the Tree Guy was speechless, and not quite sure how to react. Luckily I was there to make sure he didn't actually ask her if she was alright.

More luckily, she only hurt her knee....when in reality she could have impaled her eye, neck, hands, etc. on the many twigs and branches sticking up. Proof positive that in spite of it's demise, the ash tree enjoys the last laugh.

It was later that we realized that Jane had somehow managed to fall down the stairs on the back deck the LAST time Brad the Tree Guy had been here....leaving him similarly speechless.

Here is the re-enactment of the classic wipeout:

1 comment:

Simone Maroney said...

Good grief! I miss you!!! lol
(But thanks for posting this one - I won't feel so alone next time I walk into a door frame)