Sunday, May 11, 2014

Better Late Than Never

Spring, or perhaps Summer?, arrived this weekend. Sunny skies and warm temperatures, blooming flowers and seed planting, accompanied by the cutting of grass (read: dandelions), gardening and the trimming of weeds. Cats acting strangely.

We even deposited some of the indoor-only cats in the outdoor pen for the afternoon, so they might enjoy the favourable conditions. We topped off the weekend with a Mother's Day lunch with the Coxes at Mama Maria's in Chatham - and WOW they have the best food, and remind us fondly of our visits to Italy.



Pennywise and Poots in The Pen

Sunrise over Wheatley

Spring Showers bring.....Daffodils?

The Dandelion Scourge  - the battle resumes

Tulips are Better than One

Kiss Your Grass Goodbye

Are those chicken breasts from Maple Lodge?


Mike V said...

You get to mow your lawn with a tractor??!! I want that job!! :)

Mike and Jane said...

If you look closely, Jebus is actually giving me "the finger".....