Friday, October 24, 2014

Giving Thanks

We spent a quiet Thanksgiving at home - Jane was stricken with a nagging cold/flu entity, which meant cancelling some turkey-related travel plans. We still managed a modest feast, as it turns out the last feast for the old oven. Our new stove arrived yesterday.

There was a little last-minute drama when we realized we didn't have a roasting pan big enough....the one we THOUGHT we had was the one that Burt had brought a few times....and taken home again. Cue a frantic run to the Real Canadian Superstore late on Sunday, so we'd have a temporary roasting pan for Monday!

Also couldn't resist the French red with its prominent poultry pictograph. A beautiful complement to the perfectly cooked bird!

1 comment:

Mike said...

Nice spread! How do you keep that white stovetop so perfectly clean? :)