Sunday, November 9, 2014

Lest We Forget

I know, some of you are wondering when I joined the Air Force....yes, technically still federal public service, but no.....this is my grandfather in his Royal Canadian Air Force days in the early 1940's.

Keith Cole

Jane's grandfather drove a tank in World War II and defied the odds during the Normandy invasions on D-Day in 1944.  Noble service and sacrifice notwithstanding, one cannot help but boggle at the odds that these two brave men (among a host of others) survived war to beget our parents, and in turn, enable Jane and I to even exist. Fate is both fickle and fragile.

Al Larose

I visited the War Memorial in Ottawa for the first time last summer, sadly the site of the recent tragic events surrounding the senseless murder of Corporal Nathan Cirillo, as he stood guard at the monument. Cold stone and stark sculpture evoke remembrance and elicit gratitude. Please take a moment this Tuesday to remember those who serve - past, present, or future - family, friend, or foe.

War Memorial in Ottawa

Tomb of the Unknown Soldier

1 comment:

Mike said...

I like you talked about fate being very true. I've studied WWII most of my adult life and ironically just Saturday finished watching the Blu-ray series about in color. Really puts emphatic reality on the war versus the old black and white reels. How wonderful on the family histories for both you and Jane. I would have loved to hear both of their stories. Great post :)