Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Clingmans Dome

Now to get to what we REALLY came here to see......the Great Smoky Mountains. We started the day off early, to get out ahead of the rest of the crowds. Nothing worse than a traffic jam up twisty mountain roads!

The highlight of the day was the hike up Clingmans Dome, to the highest point in the Great Smoky Mountains and perched atop the state line between Tennessee and North Carolina. It was a little chilly, with frost still clinging in the shaded areas, and a bitter little wind at the observatory at the summit. Well worth the views, all the same.

Not many pictures of the drive itself - too busy negotiating hairpin turns under rock faces with a cliff on the other side - but this piece of road is one of the most fun I have ever driven......and where the agile and spirited Juke can really show off!

Many great hikes remain to be explored when we return to this stunning National Park. Caves and camping too.....but also Bear Country!

A haze on the hills

Smokin' hot!

Clouds hang low in the valley

The curving walk up to the observatory

The view from the top!

And the bottom!

1 comment:

Mike said...

Wow, interesting that you ran into that kind of traffic in the off season. Mike, that is some absolutely beautiful country. Reminds of the book Where The Red Fern Grows...an all time childhood favorite which I want to read again. Thank you for the great memory and now will log onto Amazon to order that! :)