Tuesday, February 12, 2019

Ice Storm!

They were calling for a crazy 12 hours of precipitation overnight - snow, then ice pellets, then freezing rain, then just plain rain. We didn't get any snow in the end.....just lots of ice, coating everything. Good day to reschedule that planned trip to London and work from home instead.

Not sure how we managed not to lose power.....or break any ice-laden trees, bent low under the weight of winter's chilly embrace.

As the temperature crept upward, the melt was on and chunks of ice fell throughout the day, clattering off the steel roof, thunking onto the back deck, and jingling off the willow in a glacial cacophony. We even kept the cats inside all day, much to their collective feline chagrin, to avoid any injuries from falling ice!

The Juke's glaze was minimal, hiding from the east wind as it was, in the lee of a tree. The work car, however.....completely coated with a thick layer of ice. Even the tires were covered....every lug nut and air valve had it's own new cover!

Absolutely beautiful.....especially when you have the option to avoid driving in it. Jane did eventually make a run to the Superstore, to gather our previously ordered Click and Collect.....though she waited until afternoon when the roads were markedly improved.

A glazed expression of winter

Beautiful and dangerous!

No laundry today

The willow continues to shed it's ice to the ground below

Spiky grass!

That's ALL ice!

The windows facing east offered a particularly scenic vantage

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