Saturday, February 23, 2019

Trews in Kingston

I was working in Kingston for several days this week....and as luck would have it, so were The Trews! My sister's keen eye caught the fact that they were playing again at the Ale House, a mere few blocks to walk from my downtown hotel.

We saw them play the same venue back in 2015, and returned to the scene of the crime for another great show. Opening band Hermitage Green was visiting from Ireland, and still adjusting to winter, but they were quite good.

Apparently The Trews had toured Ireland with them, so they were returning the favour. Being from the same town as The Cranberries, they did a cover of "Dreams" as a tribute to Dolores. They also featured another song with a didgeridoo....the end of which was pretty resting on the head of the audience!

The Trews rocked the place as usual, with Colin cavorting below the airplane suspended above the stage. John-Angus took a guitar solo up the stairs, across the balcony, and back down the other side.....all without missing a note!

And of course, it's it wasn't altogether surprising when Tragically Hip bass player Gord Sinclair showed up and joined them on stage for rousing covers of "Courage" and "Grace Too", much to the delight of the gathering.

After scraping the freezing rain off my sister's car, she even offered me a ride back to the hotel to spare me the icy trek!

In line outside the Ale House

Hermitage Green

John-Angus solos from high above

Band of Brothers...and cousins...and friends....

Jack and JA on backing vocals

Trew-ly magical evening

Gord Sinclair with the "Courage" to take up the guitar....

....and back to his usual bass with "Grace", too

Hold Phone, In Your Arms (those are my arms in the crowd)

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