Saturday, May 22, 2021

A Shot in the Arm


May came in bringing wonderful spring weather, and we spent much of it basking on the back deck and alternating between Netflix or Prime on the wine barrel TV and retro movies on the big screen. Sure, the lawn needed cutting....a few times.....and the dandelions came on stronger than ever. 

Ontario remained in a state of lockdown, though with increasing vaccinations there was more light at the end of the tunnel for some potential summer liberty. Jane got her first dose of Pfizer in early May, and I followed soon thereafter with a jab of Moderna.

We even made a list of things we'd like to do when life returns to (semi)normal - from ambitious travel plans, right down to small things like going out for breakfast or hitting a drive-through for fast food. We haven't had a Timmy's in 14 months!

Jane's bike of choice finally came into stock at Canadian Tire (she had been watching!), so we took the van into town for a curbside pickup......followed by some pedalling down our quiet country road.

Jane also did some very early tomato processing - one of the local greenhouses had an excess of supply given the diminished restaurant demand, so they were selling them for $5 a flat - hard to pass that up! She canned some pasta sauce, salsa and marinara.....and she will still make more in the fall using the more traditional and delicious field Romas.

Bring on the May 2-4 long weekend - hot and humid!

Athens can be a puzzling place

A few 2-4's from Anderson Brewing arriving just in time for May 2-4!

Jane's new bike

Jaws on the big screen!

She's never met a Mike she didn't like!

Moonlit windmill over the barn roof

Jane rescues a rodent!

First wave of local berries from Raymont's

Netflix and chill....

Too good to pass up!

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