Saturday, May 29, 2021

As you May....

We rounded out the last two weekends in May with some mainly great weather, which also led to some productive outdoor time. "We" finished off the landscaping on the west side, having ripped out the high yew bushes and replacing them with grasses and low juniper. "We" also moved the firepit further away from the property line, which is somewhat fluid as the line of cultivation, in order to comply with an updated fire by-law.

We even resumed training kung fu in our "gazebo dojo", doing private lessons over the internet with our Sifu. Jane has to adjust a few things for the titanium knees, and rural internet isn't always the best....but it works! 

Of course, we also made time for a few movie nights on the back deck.....and play with the drone! Jane got it for her birthday back in the winter, and we had been awaiting better weather. Stay tuned for better footage once we get more practice.

Our stand-up freezer unfortunately crapped out - luckily we caught it relatively quickly, and also luckily have access to a large walk-in freezer for temporary purposes. The new one should arrive today....good thing since we have a quarter-beef scheduled to arrive in a few weeks!

Momma Pooka approves this post!

Raised walkway to keep feet dry in the spring!

The west-side landscaping put to bed!

Cole onions!

Moving the fire pit away from the property line

Views in spades!

Playing with the drone

A glimpse eastward

We'll get a better landing pad

A rocky landing...

New fire pit lined with roof slate

Another classic for movie night!

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