Saturday, September 25, 2021

PEI Road Trip - Part III

We did some more touring around PEI, including a visit to Montague for a walk along the Confederation Trail, and a quick visit to Bogside Brewery for a few samples to go. We had visited Copper Bottom last time through in 2019, but Bogside wasn't quite open yet at that time.

We opted for the quintessential dune and beach stroll on Panmure Island. Jane also discovered the existence of a large buffalo ranch just south of Montague, so we couldn't pass up a chance to see one of her favourite creatures. The animals were a gift from Alberta to honour PEI's centennial in 1973, so they set up Buffaloland Provincial Park, which is apparently now operated by a local Buddhist society.

We were advised by locals that it was a bit of a crap shoot as to whether the herd would be lounging anywhere near the public viewing areas.....but we were in luck! And it was free!

Before leaving town, we also had a car-hop lunch at Gillis' Drive-In diner on their last day of their season. You pull in and park, and turn on your hazard lights - they come to your car and take your order! They've been doing it for 50 years but it seemed perfect for a pandemic!

After a lovely visit with our friends, we said our sad farewells and began the two-day trek back to Ontario. This time we opted for an alternate route and left the TCH at Edmunston to follow the Madawaska River.....which actually forms an international border in a quaint triangle where New Brunswick, Maine and Quebec all converge.

After an eleven-hour day, we also found a great deal on a cozy motel in St. Apollinaire, QC - just off the highway and walking distance to everything we needed....including our first experience with chicken chain Benny & Co and some great takeout!

Early the next day, we were back in Ontario, stopping for a few family visits along the way before arriving home to some needy cats.


Second brewery in town!

Our affable hosts - Jay, Bibs and Wilson

A walk in Panmure Island Provincial Park

More PEI  goodness

Panmure dunes

Beautiful day for Buffaloland!

What are YOU lookin' at???

Majestic bison

Well they're not water buffalo.....

Lazing in the sun

This beach calls for bare feet!

Our first car-hop at Gillis' Diner

A House Divided

Clamming it Up in Montague

A stroll along the Confederation Trail

Brudenell River Bridge along the Trail

Bye Bye PEI

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