Thursday, March 15, 2012

US RoadTrip 2012 - Day ???

So after nearly a week in Vegas, we left Sin City this morning and drove all day to make San Francisco in time for rush hour traffic. Pretty scenic drive most of the way, and our luck held with nearly exemplary weather. The Rio was fabulous, nice to stay somewhere new.

Prior to Vegas, we spent a few days camping in Grand Canyon National Park and enjoying the obvious scenery and decidedly chilly tenting. Odd to leave Ontario with NO SNOW and drive several days south to find snow. Stunning panoramas trump snow though.

Change of plans due to snow storms in US Northeast, and the fact that Alcatraz tours are booked solid until Sunday. Should have booked ahead but not exactly sure when we would be here. At any rate, touring San Fran in the morning before heading north into California Redwoods for two nights before returning to San Fran to tour The Rock on Sunday morning.

Cuts into our drive home a little but also removes the extra driving we would have done just to visit Oregon and Washington states.

Also of note - rap related shootout and death during our stay at The Rio - apparently a running gun battle in the parking garage in the wee hours. I was already off to free Nascar day at Las Vegas Speedway by the time we heard what happened....but Jane was unable to take the Juke out shopping as it was trapped in the crime scene for most of the day! Google that shizz!

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